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ATL Super Sport

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

En NASCAR se vuelven locos, 3 eventos increíbles este fin de semana, Truck Series, Sprint Series y Nationwide Series

En NASCAR se vuelven locos, 3 eventos increíbles este fin de semana, Truck Series, Sprint Series y Nationwide Series.
El 16 de Mayo tenemos Truck Series y Sprint Series, el 17 Sprint Series y el 18 Nationwide Series.
Vamos a disfrutar como niños este gran fin de semana con las 3 categorías de NASCAR.
No podéis perderlo y para aquellas personas que no puedan asistir tenéis radio MRN y en vivo FOX Sport 1 y ESPN.

In NASCAR, wrax 3 amazing events this weekend, Truck Series, Sprint Series and Nationwide Series.El 16 may have Truck Series and Sprint Series, 17 Sprint Series and the 18 Nationwide Series.Vamos to enjoy this great weekend with 3 NASCAR categories like children.You can not miss it and for those who cannot attend have MRN radio and live FOX Sport 1 and ESPN.

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